Salary Equity Adjustment Pool
- Using data as of May 31, 2022, sum the total salaries within each equity group; This equals total salary expenditure (TSE).
- Multiply the TSE by the equity adjustment factor of 1.5%. This will provide our total equity pool for each group (TPE).
Document Changes and Exclusions
- Using vetted data from the various Schools and Colleges, update any off-scales that have changed due a retention offer. These individual off-scales will be used to determine an individual's proportion (that is, how far away from the mean they are).
- Exclude anyone from equity group that does not meet eligibility criteria.
Mean Off-scale within Equity Group
- On Scale
- Using data as of May 31, 2022, determine the mean offscale for each on scale equity group by taking the average of all offscales within that specific equity group. This will provide our Average Off Scale (AOS).
- Above Scale
- For each Above Scale equity group, find the corresponding On-Scale equity group. Determine the mean proportion of total salary comprised of off-scale for those in the on-scale equivalent equity group. This is our Average Proportion of Offscale.
- For each member of the Above Scale Equity Group, multiply their total salary by the Average Proportion of Offscale calculated above. This provides our Pseudo Off-Scale.
- Determine the average of all Pseudo Off-Scales. This will provide our Average Pseudo Off Scale (APO).
Individual Equity Calculations
- Step 1. Calculate each faculty member's "residual" from the mean off-scale (AOS or APO) within their equity group
- The residual is the arithmetic difference between each individual’s actual off-scale or pseudo-off-scale salary and the mean off-scale salary for their comparison unit (calculated above). Every individual has a potentially unique residual, although in reality some will have the same one because some faculty have identical off-scale salaries. A residual < 0 indicates that an individual’s off-scale salary is below the mean for her/his comparison unit; a residual > 0 indicates that an individual’s off-scale salary is above the mean for her/his comparison unit.
- Step 2. Create the "delta" variable for individuals who fulfill eligibility.
- The delta is the absolute value of residual if the residual is < 0. If the residual is >0, then delta is = null
- Step 3. Create the adjustment weights that are proportional to the magnitude of the residual.
- Sum all non-null deltas who are eligible for equity adjustments.
- Divide each individual's non-null delta by the sum of all non-null deltas
- Note that weights are constrained to a sum of 1
- No weights are assigned for individuals who are ineligible for equity adjustments.
- Step 4. Calculate each eligible individual's adjustment to off-scale salary.
- Multiply the individual's adjustment weight by the Total Equity Pool.
- Step 5. Cap the adjustment no higher than the mean
- If the individual adjustment + original off-scale salary is greater than the average offscale in equity group, then cap the individual level adjustment so that it does not go higher than the mean.
- Step 6. Examine Total Equity Pool (TPE) for excess funds.
- If there are excess funds:
- Raise the lowest off-scale/pseudo off-scale until it equals the next lowest. Any additional excess funds can then be added to the two lowest until it equals the next lowest, and so on.
- When the total cost to raise the lowest to the next lowest is greater than the remainder of the equity pool, calculate a fractional equity adjustment by dividing the remainder of the equity pool by the number of individuals with the same lowest off-scale in that equity group. Add this fractional equity adjustment to those individuals.
- The individual-equity adjustment is the difference from the newly calculated off-scale/pseudo off-scale and the individual's original offscale/pseudo-offscale.
- If there are no excess funds, the individual-level equity adjustment is what was calculated in step 5.
- If there are excess funds:
Examples of calculations for on-scale and above-scale equity comparison groups can be found below. These examples follow our methodology closely, with some steps abbreviated for simplicity.
- On-Scale Example
- Let's say an equity comparison group is comprised of the following members:
Person UCOFF1 UCANNL Total Compensation FTE Total Compensation at FTE Annie A N/A $115,400 $115,400 0.4 $46,160 Bert B N/A $154,400 $154,500 0.25 $38,625 Chris C $14,800 $124,300 $139,100 1 $139,100 Dianne D $22,100 $108,900 $131,000 0.5 $65,500 - 1. Determine the Total Equity Pool
- Total Salary Expenditure = $289,385 ($46,160 + $38,625 + $139,100 + $65,500)
- Total Equity Pool = $4340.78 (1.5% * $289,385)
- Sum of Offscales: $36,900 ($0 + $0 + $14,800 + $22,100)
Headcount in group: 4 - Mean Off-scale: $9,225 ($36,900/4)
- 3. Determine each faculty member's "residual", "delta", and "adjustment weights"
- Residual: Take the difference between the average off-scale and the individual's offscale.
Delta: Take the absolute value of residual if the residual is <0.
Sum of Deltas: $18,450 ($9,225 + $9,225)
Adjustment weight: Divide individual's Delta by the Sum of DeltasPerson UCOFF1 Average Off-scale Residual Delta Adjustment Weight Annie A N/A $9,225 - $9,225 $9,225 0.5 Bert B N/A $9,225 - $9,225 $9,225 0.5 Chris C $14,800 $9,225 $5,575 Null N/A Dianne D $22,100 $9,225 $12,875 Null N/A
- Residual: Take the difference between the average off-scale and the individual's offscale.
- 4. Calculate each individual adjustment to off-scale salary
- Annie A: $2170.39 (0.5 * $4340.78)
- Bert B: $2170.39 (0.5 * $4340.78)
- Chris C: $0
- Dianne D: $0
- 5. Cap the adjustment if higher than the mean and determine the final rounded equity adjustments to match the corresponding salary table rounding. (e.g. Professor tables are rounded to the nearest $100)
Person Original UCOFF1 Equity Adjustment Updated UCOFF1 Check if adjustment is higher than mean Final Rounded UCOFF1 (including individual-level adjustment) Annie A $0 $2170.39 $2170.39 Ok $2,200 Bert B $0 $2170.39 $2170.39 Ok $2,200 Chris C $14,800 $0 $14,800 N/A $14,800 Dianne D $22,100 $0 $22,100 N/A $22,100
- As you can see, the positionality (ranking) of the faculty off-scales is preserved, and neither Annie A. nor Bert B. has moved above the mean.
- 1. Determine the Total Equity Pool
- Above-Scale Example
- Let's say the Above-scale equity group is comprised of the following members:
Person UCABVE FTE Total Compensation at FTE Alex A $225,400 1 $225,400 Belinda B $239,400 0.33 $79,002 Charlie C $343,200 .25 $85,800 - 1. Determine the Total Equity Pool
- Total Salary Expenditure = $390,202 ($225,400 + $79,002 + $85,800)
- Total Equity Pool = $5853.03 (1.5% * $390,202)
- 2. Calculate the Average Proportion of Offscale
To calculate the average proportion of off-scale, we'll need to look at the corresponding on-scale equity group (from on-scale example above)- Annie A: 0 (0/$115,400)
Bert B: 0 (0/$154,500)
Chris C: 0.106398 ($14,800/$139,100)
Dianne D: 0.168702 ($22,100/$131,00)
Average Proportion of Offscale: 0.068775 ((0 + 0 + 0.106398 + 0.168702)/4)
Person UCABVE Pseudo Off-scale Alex A $225,300 $15,501.89
Belinda B $239,400 $16,464.74 Charlie C $343,200 $23,603.58 - Annie A: 0 (0/$115,400)
- 4. Calculate the Average Pseudo Off-scale
- Sum of Pseudo Offscales: $55,570.43 ($15,501.89 + $16,464.74 + $23,603.58)
Headcount in group: 3 - Average Pseudo Off-scale: $18,523 ($55,570.43/3)
- Sum of Pseudo Offscales: $55,570.43 ($15,501.89 + $16,464.74 + $23,603.58)
- 5. Determine each faculty member's "residual", "delta", and "adjustment weights"
- Residual: Take the difference between the average off-scale and the individual's offscale.
Delta: Take the absolute value of residual if the residual is <0.
Sum of Deltas: $5,080.33 ($3021.59 + $2,058.74)
Adjustment weight: Divide individual's Delta by the Sum of DeltasPerson Pseudo Off-scale Average Pseudo Off-scale Residual Delta Adjustment Weight Alex A $15,501.89 $18,523.48 -$3,021.59 $3021.59 0.594779 Belinda B $16,464.74 $18,523.48 -$2058.74 $2,058.74 0.405249 Charlie C $23,603.8 $18,523.48 $5,080.32 Null N/A
- Residual: Take the difference between the average off-scale and the individual's offscale.
- 6. Calculate each individual adjustment to pseudo off-scale salary
- Alex A: $3,481.26 (0.594779 * $5,853.03)
- Belinda B: $2,371.93 (0.405249* $5,853.03)
- Charlie C: $0
- 7. Cap the adjustment if higher than the mean
Person Pseudo-Offscale Equity Adjustment Updated Pseudo-Offscale Check if adjustment is higher than mean Capped at Mean Pseudo Off-scale Capped Equity Amount Alex A $15,501.89 $3,481.26 $18,983.15 Higher $18,523.48 $3,021.59 Belinda B $16,464.74 $2,371.93 $18,836.67 Higher $18,523.48 $2,058.74 Charlie C $23,603.8 $0 $23,603.8 N/A N/A N/A
- 8. Examine the Total Equity Pool for excess funds
- Funds spent so far: $5,080.33
Total Equity Pool: $5,853.03
Total Funds Remaining: $772.7
- Funds spent so far: $5,080.33
- 9. Determine if there are enough funds to bring the lowest pseudo off-scales to the second lowest.
- Lowest Pseudo Off-scale: $18,523.48 (Alex A & Belinda B)
- Second Lowest Off-scale: $23,603.8 (Charlie C)
- Cost to bring Lowest Pseudo Off-scale to Second Lowest: $10,160.64
- 10. Since there is not enough remaining in the Total Equity Pool, evenly distribute the remaining funds among the lowest pseudo off-scales.
- Remaining Funds: $772.7
Alex A: $3,407.94 ($386.35 + $3,021.59) - Belinda B: $2,445.09 ($386.35 + $2,058.74 )
- Remaining Funds: $772.7
- 11. Determine the final rounded equity adjustments to match the corresponding salary table rounding. (e.g. Professor tables are rounded to the nearest $100)
Person UCABVE Equity Adjustment Equity (Rounded) Updated UCABVE Alex A $225,400 $3,407.94 $3,400 $228,800 Belinda B $239,400 $2,445.09 $2,400 $241,800 Charlie C $343,200 $0 $0 $343,200
- As you can see, the positionality (ranking) of the faculty off-scales is preserved. Both Alex A and Belinda B have moved above the original mean, but are still lower than Charlie C. The most dramatic effect is to raise Alex A much closer to their colleagues than before. Belinda B still receives a benefit, but because they were closer to the mean, the effect was smaller, as expected.
- 1. Determine the Total Equity Pool