UC Davis Honorees
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Prof. Michal Kurlaender, Chancellor's Leadership Professor in the School of Education, is a member of the Class of 2020, and the first member of faculty at Davis to be elected to the academy. Kurlaender's research is primarily focused on K-12 and post-secondary educational placement. She is a leading researcher of policy analysis for California education, through the California Education Lab, and Wheelhouse: The Center for Community College Leadership and Research. Her work focuses on the causes and consequences of racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, and gender inequalities through the education life course, and the impact of institutional policies and practices aimed at attenuating educational inequality. She also studies the impact of racial and ethnic diversity on student outcomes, including mandatory and voluntary K-12 school desegregation efforts, persistent inequalities in segregated schools, and diversity in postsecondary settings.
Prof. Maisha T. Winn holds a Chancellor’s Leadership professorship and co-directs the Transformative Justice in Education Center at UC Davis. Prof. Winn’s research is centered in the multidisciplinary area of restorative justice, concerned with building the understanding of and enhancing conflict resolution in different societal settings, from addressing crime, to developing and practicing more appropriate and productive, community-based resolutions of student misbehavior in education. The approach in education has shown greater positive benefit to individuals in their academic lives thanks to Winn and colleagues’ work, rather than engaging in punitive or exclusionary practices such as suspensions and expulsions. Prof. Winn is also highly regarded for her scholarship in English education and literacy studies, and their application to multicultural education.