Professor of Teaching Series - Resources

This page provides information and resources for our faculty in the title series of Professor of Teaching (formerly known as the Lecturer with Security of Employment [LSOE] Series).

***Revised APM 285 Professor of Teaching Series Issued May 1, 2024***

Issued May 1, 2024, by Provost and Executive Vice President Katherine S. Newman, revised Academic Personnel Manual (APM) Section 285, Professor of Teaching Series, is effective immediately.  

Cover Letter and Revised APM 285


In 2018 – 2019, the Vice Provost of Academic Affairs, Phil Kass, initiated networking opportunities for these faculty. These networking events are hosted by Academic Affairs to support these faculty in both professional networking across campus and encouraging collaboration of information sharing.

The next networking event will be in Spring 2025. 

For additional information please contact Michelle Dowling at mdowling@ucdavis.edu

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

LSOE FAQs sheet (updated April 14, 2023)

Presentation Materials

Professor of Teaching Series networking meeting, April 16, 2024

LSOE Series networking meeting, April 5, 2023

LSOE Series networking meeting, April 6, 2021

Professor of Teaching Series listserv information

Notice: When you subscribe to the UCDProfTeachSeries listserv, your email address will be shared on a roster with members of the listserv.

To subscribe to the UCDProfTeachSeriesemail listserv, go to https://lists.ucdavis.edu/sympa/subscribe/ucdprofteachseries

To contact the UCDProfTeachSeries listserv owner with questions, send an email to ucdprofteachseries-request@ucdavis.edu

If you wish to unsubscribe to the UCDProfTeachSeries listserv, please log into the Sympa web interface at http://lists.ucdavis.edu