Faculty Bag Lunch Series
Academic Affairs is pleased to announce a Bag Lunch Series for Faculty, including information and strategies for academic advancement. While a few sessions are designed for specific faculty groups, most sessions are open to Assistant, Associate, and Full Professors, as well as certain Academic Federation titles. Program registration is listed on the right column.
Please contact Faculty Relations and Development at vpaa_frd@ucdavis.edu to be placed on the waitlist for a bag lunch that is full.
New Faculty Workshop
To assist new academic senate faculty in the development of a successful career at UC Davis, Academic Affairs offers a workshop for incoming faculty every fall quarter. This day-long session provides an overview and orientation in key areas of interest to incoming faculty. Topics may include the academic personnel process, dossier evaluation, shared governance, work-life balance and policies, and Faculty Code of Conduct. Whenever possible, the workshop features advice from recently-tenured faculty. The session represents a great opportunity to network with colleagues and gain valuable information about faculty development at UC Davis. A complimentary continental breakfast and catered lunch are provided.
Please note that if you are a School of Medicine new faculty in the Clinical X and Clinical Professor series, our feedback from previous attendees indicates that the information provided at the new faculty workshop on the Davis campus was not as helpful to the new faculty in these series, as was that presented at the School of Medicine new faculty workshop.
For further information, please contact Lynn White, Executive Analyst to the Vice Provost - Academic Affairs, at (530) 752-2072 or lmdaum@ucdavis.edu.
Workshop Schedule
2025 New Faculty Workshop - Davis Campus
Tuesday, September 16, 2025, 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
International Center – Multipurpose Room - by invitation only
Please contact Lynn White at lmdaum@ucdavis.edu.
For a list of past New Faculty Workshop topics and materials, please see New Faculty Workshop Presentations & Materials.
Please send any questions or suggestions for topics to:
Faculty Relations and Development