UC Davis is home to globally renowned visionaries in the arts and education, law and letters, engineering, and the physical and life sciences, assuring its place as one of the top public universities in the country. Click through the categories on the right to view a sampling of the many premier faculty honors received. For more faculty distinctions by discipline and related stories, visit the colleges and schools linked here.
National & International Faculty Honors
Aldrin Gomes, Prof. in the departments of Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior, College of Biological Sciences, and Physiology and Membrane Biology, School of Medicine, has received the US Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring.
Marisol de la Cadena, a professor of anthropology and science and technology studies, has been awarded the Vega Medal from the Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography.
Marina Leite, Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, and Jeremy Munday, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, have been elected Fellows of the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).
Kurt Rohde, Professor of Music, received a commission from the Serge Koussevitzky Foundation to compose a new work for Brightwork New Music, a non-profit corporation for contemporary classical music with a focus on West Coast composers and performers.
Renetta Garrison Tull, Vice Chancellor of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and adjunct professor of electrical and computer engineering, was appointed President of the Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions (LACCEI).
L. M. Bogad, Professor of Theatre and Dance, has been awarded a Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center Residency for Summer 2025, and a Creative Fellowship from the Wolfsonian Museum of Florida International University.
Susan Handy, Distinguished Professor of Environmental Science and Policy, has received an Honorary Doctorate for Smart and Sustainable Mobility, from the Technical University of Delft (TU Delft).
Junshan Zhang, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, has been elected a fellow of the National Academy of Inventors.
Kevin Johnson, Distinguished Professor of Law, Mabie-Apallas Professor of Public Interest Law and Professor of Chicana/o Studies, has received a Distinguished Law and Policy Achievement Award from the California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation.
William Ristenpart, Professor of Chemical Engineering, has been elected a Fellow of the American Physical Society.
Subhash Risbud, Distinguished Professor emeritus of Materials Science and Engineering, has received the 2025 James I. Mueller Award from the American Ceramic Society.
Law Professor Brian Soucek (right) has been elected a member of the American Law Institute.
Finance Professor Robert Marquez of the Graduate School of Management has been named one of five distinguished researchers in the Conference of State Bank Supervisors’ new Economic Research and Policy Scholars Program.
Michael Rios, Vice Provost for Public Scholarship and Engagement, is one of 31 international scholars and leaders inducted into the Academy of Community Engagement Scholarship, or ACES, in 2024.
Graduate School of Management Professor Beth Bechky was named a Microsoft Research AI & Society Fellow.
Amy Kapatkin (right), Professor of Surgery and Radiological Sciences in the School of Veterinary Medicine, has received the American College of Veterinary Surgeons Founders’ Award for Career Achievement.
Dr. Garen Wintemute, Professor and Physician in Emergency Medicine, the Susan P. Baker-Stephen P. Teret Chair in Violence Prevention, and Director of the Violence Prevention Research Program, has been elected a member of the National Academy of Medicine.
Raquel Aldana, Martin Luther King, Jr. Professor of Law, was reappointed a special advisor to the Latin American Council of the American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative.
Lorena Márquez, Associate Professor and Chair of Chicana/o Studies in the College of Letters and Science, has been selected to join the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities’ 2025 Fellows Cohort of the La Academia de Liderazgo.
Howard Ferris, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Entomology and Nematology in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, has been elected an Honorary Member of the Society of Nematologists, the international organization’s highest distinction.
Huaijun Zhou, Chancellor’s Leadership Professor and Professor of Animal Science in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, has been appointed an inaugural member of the 2024 Top Agri-Food Pioneer (TAP) experts' cohort of the World Food Prize Foundation.
Helen Raybould (right), Professor Emeritus of Anatomy, Physiology & Cell Biology in the School of Veterinary Medicine, has received the Distinguished Career Award from the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior.
Distinguished Professor and Chair of Evolution and Ecology Peter Wainwright received the Lifetime Achievement Award in Ichthyology from the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists.