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STEAD: Faculty Search Committee Workshop

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Priority for online workshops will be given to SOM and SON search committee chairs. 

What is the STEAD Faculty Search Committee Workshop?

The STEAD Faculty Search Committee Workshop aims to identify factors that can introduce bias into the faculty recruitment process and to provide evidence-based approaches that will maximize the likelihood that excellent and diverse scholars will be identified, selected for offers and recruited onto the UC Davis faculty.

Who needs to be STEAD-Certified?

Anyone participating in the following recruitments must be STEAD-Certified by participating in the workshop:

  • Faculty recruitments (Ladder, Academic Senate, and Professor of Teaching series) 
  • Endowed Chair recruitments
  • Graduate students participating in a faculty search
  • Non-UCD faculty participating in a faculty search.
  • SOM/SON faculty recruitment committee chairs
  • Exception: SOM/SON faculty recruitment committee members can take the Enhanced Training for Faculty Search Committees Online Training Module.

All members of faculty search committees and recruitments for endowed chairs must complete the STEAD Faculty Recruitment Training before the evaluation of applicants ends. Non-UCD members and graduate students of a search committee must also be certified. Completion of this workshop must be done once every four (4) years, effective July 2024. No other trainings are accepted to fulfill this requirement, with the exception of SOM/SON faculty recruitment committee members (please see note below). The Annual Call states that all search committee members must take the STEAD Faculty Search Training before the evaluation of applicants ends. 

SOM/SON faculty recruitment committees (for Academic Senate searches):

  • SOM/SON Faculty search committee chairs are required to participate in STEAD workshops. It is expected that the search committee chairs will in turn provide leadership on mitigating bias in the recruitment process for their committees. NOTE: Priority for STEAD Workshops offered via Zoom will be given to SOM/SON search committee chairs.
  • SOM/SON Faculty recruitment committee members may satisfy the STEAD requirement by participating in the online module “ Enhanced Training for Faculty Search Committees" Online Training Module offered by the Schools of Human Health and can register here

Department Chairs should ensure that all recruitment committee members who will be serving on faculty recruitment committees sign up for this training as early as possible. 

Administrators who need access to the Faculty Search Committee Certification Finder can find guidance on this site


Faculty Recruitment Resources

Basic Practices Before the Interview

Best Practices During the Interview

UC and UC Davis Policies