Online Course
This online course is designed to promote inclusiveness and respect in the work and learning environment at UC Davis, introducing the concepts to new members of the campus community while reinforcing them to existing members. Participants, especially UC Davis staff members and academic appointees, will become familiar with ways to integrate the UC Davis Principles of Community into their own workplaces and classrooms. A goal of the online course, Living the Principles of Community, is that more community members will understand how helpful these principles are in our daily work at UC Davis and in creating a community in which all members feel respected and valued for both their similarities and differences. This highly interactive course includes up-to-date information on discrimination, sexual harassment, affirmative action and diversity along with the University's policies governing violations in these issues. Through realistic, subtle, and complex scenarios, learners discover that there is more than one "right" way of preventing, managing, and resolving conflicts related to these topics. Living the Principles of Community is available for enrollment through UC Davis Staff Development and Professional Services office.

The course structure and content were developed by UC Davis staff members Lisa Brodkey, Binnie Singh and Mikael Villalobos who then contracted with UC Davis Continuing and Professional Education to provide the technical framework and functionality of the course.
The UC Davis Principles of Community were created in 1990 and reaffirmed several times thereafter. These Principles were the first among UC campuses. Other campuses have since adopted similar statements. While these principles are not policy, breach of its tenets could lead to violation of policy and/or perceptions of discrimination, harassment, retaliation, etc.
Lisa Brodkey, Director of Faculty Relations and Development, Academic Affairs
Binnie Singh, Assistant Vice Provost, Academic Affairs
Mikael Villalobos, Associate Chief Diversity Officer, Diversity Education Programs
TO ENROLL (UC Davis affiliates):
The Living the Principles of Community course can be accessed here. Enrollment is available through the campus UC Learning Center Learning Management System (LMS). UC Davis login credentials required. Please contact should you have any issues accessing LMS.
You can stop and start the course as you please, and it does not have to be completed in one sitting.
Length of course: Approximately 90 minutes. This course is available for licensing and adaptation by other institutions. For more information, please contact the Office of Campus Community Relations at (530) 752-2071.