1. For non-Senate retirees, what privileges come with approval of emeritus status?
Non-Senate academics can apply for emeritus status following the criteria in APM 120 and procedures in APM UCD-120. If approved by the Chancellor, they continue to be members of the Academic Federation and are eligible to join the UC Davis Emeriti Association. They retain use of their UCD email accounts and have continuing privileges to the University Library and its resources (print and electronic), without having to renew their library accounts annually. Continued participation within their home department is determined by the department’s policies for Emeriti. Like all retirees they get free UCD parking permits.
2. For non-Senate retirees, which titles have “automatic” PI status… is this the same list as for pre-retirement employees?
According to system-wide PPM 230, only Senate members and Agronomists are “automatically” eligible for PI status as emeriti members. All other non-senate members who are granted emeritus status under APM 120 need to apply for “Eligibility by Exception” in order to be a PI as a non-Senate emeritus member. http://manuals.ucdavis.edu/PPM/230/230-02.pdf. If a non-Senate emeritus member wishes to apply for grants after retirement, they need to consult with their home department to see if the department would support a recall to active duty. If the department supports a recall for the non-Senate emeritus member to apply for grant funding, a request for “Eligibility by Exception” to serve as PI would need to be submitted to the Office of Research.
3. If an emeritus Professional Researcher wishes to apply for a grant, under what payroll title would s/he be paid, if the proposal is funded?
The recall title code is 3802 “RECALL NON-FACULTY ACAD” – some grants require the “title” to reflect the actual payroll title and other grants allow use of a working title.
4. Recall compensation for teaching or service is negotiated with the chair/dean or hiring party. Is that also true for recall for research, or does the payee usually claim a % time (less than 43%) based on final rank, step and salary if s/he is the PI on the funding that supports the recall?
The salary is negotiated, but all compensation (teaching, research, service, clinical work) must be calculated into a percentage. The total compensation is monitored by the home department and the % cannot exceed the 43% of the salary of the appointee at the time of retirement, range-adjusted forward to the salary at the time of recall.
5. For clinical faculty members, is recall for clinical work a separate category, or is this listed under “teaching”?
All members of the Health Sciences comp plan are recalled into the same title code (1701), regardless of the service they are providing to the university (teaching, research, service, clinical duties). If the person being recalled to provide clinical services is not in the Health Sciences Compensation plan, they are recalled into the faculty title code used for teaching, research, service and/or clinical activities (1702). The only recall title code that is singled-out based on duty is if the recall is for “teaching only” (1700). See the Recall Title Codes Guide for determining recall title codes for non-Senate retirees on recall.
6. Are non-Senate retirees members of the Academic Federation? Or, are they members only if granted emeritus status?
According to the AF Bylaws “Regular members of the Federation shall be academic appointees or Emeriti who are not in trainee, post-doctoral, or fellowship positions, and who are not members of the Academic Senate (Am 1/3/2014)…"