The DEIBlueprint program is aimed at helping academic departments assess their climate with specific attention to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. Formerly a pilot program funded by the University of California, Office of the President, the DEIBlueprint Program has become an established program. The initial grant proposal, AFD Climate and Retention Pilot Intervention Program UC Davis, UC San Francisco, UC Berkeley, outlines the need and implementation of an easy-to-use blueprint to address campus climate across departments regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion across the three universities.
The goal of DEIBlueprint is to make departments more inclusive for all, increasing faculty retention and success. Using a quasi-experimental design, DEIBlueprint has two components: (1) an online climate survey Question Bank, containing validated survey items participating departments can choose from to create customizable climate surveys appropriate to their unique context; and (2) a Climate Toolkit to support responsive activities. Toolkit elements will be associated with particular issues and span a wide range of accessible activities.
For more information about DEI Blueprint or if interested in participating in this program, please contact Binnie Singh, Assistant Vice Provost,