Effective January 1, 2023, California Senate Bill 1162 requires employers to include the pay scale for a position in any job posting and to current employees upon request. Academic positions posted in UC Davis Recruit and in print ads are now required to include salary information. For more information about this requirement, please review the correspondence issued on December 22, 2022. This information can also be located as three **NEW** links under the "Recruitment Resources" section of the "Recruitment & Removals" web page (here).
Applicants can browse open positions on campus, apply for one or more recruitments, identify their references, and provide requested information to complete and submit their application(s).
References can submit their letters of reference electronically and securely.
UCD faculty & administrators can view and manage positions and applications for both Senate and Federation recruitments. Staff users must complete UC RECRUIT training before they can have access to the system.
Automatic posting - academic positions entered in UC Recruit are posted automatically to the Higher Education Recruitment Consortium (HERC) and to HigherEdJobs. The automatic postings to these sites occur Monday through Friday during normal business hours.
Staff Training
We require all staff users of UC RECRUIT to receive training before using the program. Academic Affairs staff provide this training once every other month. There is a minimum of five (5) attendees required to host a training session. If the minimum number of attendees is not reached, then the training session will be canceled and attendees will be asked to register for the next scheduled training session. Training sessions are conducted in person on the UC Davis campus.
Upcoming Training Offerings:
March 27, 2025
May 28, 2025
Registration information is available by clicking here (linked). Please contact Kim Poole (kcpoole@ucdavis.edu) with any questions.
User Manual & Other Resources
Academic Personnel Recruit User Manual (updated June 2023)
Advertising Work-Life Program in Ladder Rank Recruitments
Crosswalk for Components of a Search Plan and UC Recruit
Guidance for Internal Recruitments
Guidance for Pool Recruitments **NEW**
Guide for reviewing applicants who may be overqualified for lower rank faculty positions
Guidelines for Search Waivers and Search Exemptions for Academic Appointees
Guidelines for Writing Letters of Recommendation (produced by ADVANCE University of Michigan)
How to Request a Diversity Statement in Ladder Rank Recruitments
How to use Recruit's Workspace Ribbon
List of Multiple Affiliated Employers
Quick Guide for Search Committees & Reviewers
Recommended Standard Language for Short Advertisement
Successive Applicant Pool Review Process
Questions on the use of RECRUIT should be directed to the Recruit Help Desk: ap-recruit@ucdavis.edu. Recruitment policy questions should be directed to the dean's office analyst for the school or college.
RECRUIT is a program that was developed at the University of California, Irvine, to manage the entire faculty recruitment process. UC Davis began its use of RECRUIT in the summer of 2012. The system allows applicants to apply electronically and securely, and enables search committees and administrative staff to manage the recruitment process electronically and securely. In addition, this system provides the Office of the President with accurate end-result data regarding campus recruitments.