Distinguished Professor Title at UC Davis

Distinguished Professor

Consistent with our goal of recognizing outstanding faculty, we have established the title of Distinguished Professor* for faculty in the Professor, Professor of Teaching, Professor in Residence, Professor of Clinical ____, Health Sciences Clinical Professor, and Adjunct Professor Series who have achieved the highest level of distinction in their scholarship, teaching, and university/public service.  These are scholars whose work has been internationally† recognized and acclaimed, and whose teaching performance is excellent.  The title Distinguished Professor is the highest campus-level faculty title that can be bestowed.

Because the requirements for this honorific title are the same as those needed to advance to Above Scale, it will be conferred on all faculty in the Professor, Professor of Teaching, Professor in Residence, Professor of Clinical ____, Health Sciences Clinical Professor, and Adjunct Professor Series at the time that they advance to Above Scale.

Distinguished Professor Emerita/us

Academic Senate Faculty who hold the Distinguished Professor title at the time they retire from UC Davis are eligible to use the title Distinguished Professor Emerita/us. Health Sciences Clinical Professors and Adjunct Professors who achieve Distinguished Professor status at time of retirement and have a successful Emerita/us action, will be eligible to use the title Distinguished Professor Emerita/us.

Academic Senate Faculty who are eligible for automatic Emerita/us status upon retirement, but who plan to retire at step 9 or 9.5, may submit a Distinguished Professor Emerita/us action to receive this title when they retire. This action would need to be completed within twelve-months of the faculty member’s retirement.

*This is an honorary title without a title code. Therefore, it cannot be used on grant/contract applications because these are legal documents that require an “official” (i.e., title code) title.  However, the title can be included in the “Honors/Awards” section of CVs and biosketches, as well as in correspondence.

†Health Sciences Clinical Professors must attain at least national recognition to advance to Above Scale