Negotiated Salary Program
The deadline for submitting 2023-24 NSP requests is Friday, May 2, 2025. No extensions of time to apply will be granted. Please be sure to review the provisionally approved UC Davis NSP Implementation Procedures before submitting your requests. All requests must be completed correctly and signed electronically. No hard copies will be accepted.
Step 1 - Review NSP Program
Review the provisionally approved UC Davis NSP Implementation Procedures. Ensure that your college is participating in this program. Membership in the program is predicated on a college’s/school’s/department’s willingness to participate in an annual assessment that will require collection and reporting of detailed data. At this time, most schools and colleges are eligible to join.
Please note that negotiations are for one fiscal year, effective July 1 and ending on June 30. Retroactive participation is not permitted.
Step 2 - Declare Intent to Participate in NSP
Interested and eligible faculty will first download the NSP Packet pertaining to their appointment type, and complete NSP Form A - Faculty Compensation Request form within their NSP packet. Once completed, the faculty requester will submit the NSP packet to the Chief Administrative Officer or Fund Manager responsible for their accounts via email. Be sure to CC the Department Chair. Faculty Requesters can find a complete packet of NSP Forms here.
Faculty Requesters need to complete and submit Form A by March 14, 2025 to the Fund Manager.
Step 3 - Fund Manager Certification
The Chief Administrative Officer or Fund Manager will complete the NSP Form B - Fund Manager / Department Manager Certification within the NSP packet. Once complete, the Chief Administrative Officer or Fund Manager must review the funding allocations with the Faculty Requester. Upon signature from the Faculty Requester, the Chief Administrative Office or Fund Manager will submit the NSP packet with both NSP Form A and B completed to the Department Chair via email. If the Department does not have a chair, submit the NSP packet to the Associate Dean via email. Include Faculty Requestor in the email.
Please submit the NSP packet with both NSP Form A and NSP Form B completed by April 4, 2025 to the Department Chair. Please take time to review these forms thoroughly as there are historically many errors present on Form B. Make sure to verify that the Request Summary on Page 5 of the NSP packet matches the appointment type of the faculty requester. The faculty requester must have signed Form B as well.
Step 4 - Department Chair Certification
Department Chair (or Associate Dean if no Department Chair) will review NSP Forms A and NSP B for any errors, and complete the NSP Form C - Department Chair Certification within the NSP packet. Once complete, the Department Chair will submit the NSTP packet with all three forms (NSP Form A, NSP Form B, and NSP Form C) completed to the Dean via email. Include Faculty Requestor in the email.
Please submit the NSP Packet with Form A, B, and C completed by April 11, 2025 to Dean.
Step 5 - Review NSP Program
Upon review and approval of the previous three forms, the Dean will initiate a Compliance Check for the Faculty Requestor. Upon a valid and complete Compliance Check from Academic Affairs, the Dean will complete and sign NSP Form D - Dean's Certification within the NSP packet. Once reviewed and signed, the Dean will submit the entire NSP Packet with all four forms (NSP Form A, NSP Form B, NSP Form C, and NSP Form D) complete to Vice Provost Phil Kass,, and Project Policy Analyst Marci Woods,
Submit completed NSP Packet with Forms A, B, C, and D by May 2, 2025 to VP Kass.