Hellman Fellows Recipients

2023-24 Hellman Fellows


Name Department Hellman Fellowship Research Title

Shamin Ahamed

Biological and Ag Engineering

Energy Harvesting from Artificial Lighting in Vertical Farming Systems
Lishan AZ Cinema and Digital Media In Search of Solid Ground: Immersive and Interactive Black History Exhibit
Ga Young Chung Asian American Studies Unexpired: Race, Imperial Futurity, and Undocumented Korean Youth Temporality
Zinzi Clemmons English Heaven: A Novel of Black Utopia
Kathleen Cruz Classics Competing Visions: Classical Antiquity and Puerto Rican Identity in the 19th and 20th Centuries
Grace Delmolino French and Italian Medieval Consent: Sex, Law and Boccaccio’s Fictions of Choice
Christoph Hanssmann Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies Trans Health in Controversial Times
Sameer Iyer Mathematics

Formation of Separation and Onset of Reversal for the Stationary Navier-Stokes Equations

John Lopez Art and Art History The Aquatic Metropolis: Urban Design and Environmental Change at Tenochtitlan-Mexico City
Payam Vahmani Animal Science Trans-Vaccenic Acid as a Natural Insulin Sensitizer: Towards Developing Animal Source Foods With Anti-Diabetogenic Properties
Ariana Valle Sociology Citizenship in Contexts: How Puerto Ricans are Transforming Race and Politics in Florida
Emily Vazquez Spanish and Portuguese Border Biomes: Coexistence and Interference on American Migration Trails