The goal of the Transitional Position Pilot Program is to provide graduate student employees who have appointments funded by a Principal Investigator (“PI”), the opportunity for a new transitional position.
This Transitional Position Pilot Program is only available to graduate student employees who currently hold an appointment funded by a PI, and who are represented by the United Auto Workers (UAW). The program implements expectations in the November 15, 2024 contract extension between the UC and the UAW BR and BX units, and is subject to the review and approval processes at the University of California, Davis.
Graduate student employees who meet the following criteria are eligible for this program:
- Are in good employment standing, including conduct and performance;
- Are dependent on their PI for employment;
- Have been with their PI for at least three quarters/two semesters (or the equivalent amount of time)
- Have made a clear argument, corroborated by the department, that there is an irreparable employment-related conflict in the supervisor-supervisee relationship and that the supervisor relationship is beyond repair for reasons outside of the graduate student employee’s control, or that the graduate student employee’s PI left the University; and
- Have not previously received a transitional position.
Graduate student employees who meet all of the above criteria may be selected for a transitional position based on their application and in accordance with the UAW BX/BR contract extension agreements. Interested graduate student employees should click the button below to submit their application.
Graduate student employees who are selected will receive up to one quarter of a transitional position as an Academic Student Employee (ASE) or Graduate Student Researcher (GSR) subject to all the terms and conditions of the appropriate collective bargaining agreement.
A limited number of applicants may be selected annually for a transitional position. This program expires on January 1, 2026. For questions regarding the Transitional Position Program or your application, please contact Paul E. Harris, Director of Academic Employee and Labor Relations, at